Planning & development: Ecology, tree and heritage reports
Gaining planning permission often requires a portfolio of reports, and these include Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), BS5837 Arboricultural (Tree) Assessments and Heritage Assessments. We frequently undertake these surveys and reports, and have developed a good understanding of what is required for a successful application. Click the link for some examples...

Woodland management plans
Our team have been producing woodland management plans for decades, from small private woods of several acres, to vast wooded estates. Here we show several examples, including the 2020/21 project to produce woodland management plans for Cornwall Council across 20 woodlands

Powis castle: Garden conservation plan
A grade I listed garden and park, Powis Castle once had extensive Baroque water gardens. The internationally renowned 20th century garden is set on the 17th century framework, and the conservation plan maps its development over time. It also tackles 21st century issues, such as parking and increased footfall.

Burrator reservoir, Dartmoor: Extended phase 1 habitat survey
The Burrator reservoir catchment area covers some 2500 hectares of Dartmoor, and consists of grasslands, bogs, mires, woodlands and more. Our extended phase 1 habitat survey mapped the extensive complexity of the site, assessed the condition and presented a narrative of management options. In addition to the boots on the ground we produced a high resolution aerial survey using a drone.

Landscape design: Housing Development
Lead by Architects at 'Intelligent Design', this proposed development takes a contemporary approach to the layout and landscape setting. With extensive green space, and generous communal areas, our landscape design ensures a high level of biodiversity, whilst maintaining a horticulturally prominent park feel at the centre...

Biodiversity net gain calculations: Derriford hospital
Biodiversity net gain is a legal requirement for many new developments, and certainly for large projects such as hospital expansion. As part of our consultancy support to University Plymouth Hospitals Trust we have undertaken a 2021 biodiversity audit, which in turn allows us to calculate the impact of development, and how to mitigate for it in a positive way...